Corporate Sustainability

Planet Aware: Our commitment to preserving and improving the natural environment by maintaining a long-term view of what is needed to thrive for the next 100 years and beyond.

Status Toward 2020 Goals

Goals and reductions are indexed to revenue over 2015 levels. All goals are ahead of target. 

Gas and carbon status towards 2020 goal
Distribution and electricity status towards 2020 goal
Waste and water status towards 2020 goal
Aerial view of Promega UK's new building

Promega's new sustainable kit packaging

Redesigning Our Packaging to be More Sustainable

You may have noticed our kit packaging looks different. We are committed to sustainability and our redesigned packaging kept sustainability at the center. See what our award-winning sustainable packaging looks like and how the efforts of many people resulted in a leaner, more sustainable box.

Learn more ›


Reducing Packaging Materials

We continually evaluate the sustainability of our packaging to use less paperboard, ink and adhesive, use environmentally friendly materials, and design for recycling or reuse while maintaining product protection and quality. Our environmentally conscious efforts include switching to smaller shipping boxes to use less materials, changing to unbleached shipping boxes with sustainably harvested materials and using biodegradable and recyclable air pouches that protect our products. In addition, we have implemented designs that minimize package air space and incorporate better insulating materials, efforts that reduced both shipment weight and the amount of dry ice.

Water usage since 2015 is down 27 percent

Conserving Water

From collecting rainwater for cleaning and irrigating plants in Australia to low-flow faucets and toilets in California and Wisconsin, conserving water is an integral part of how Promega functions. In the last year, gross water usage decreased by over 7.5 million liters or 2 million gallons. Since 2015, water usage has reduced by 27% as indexed to revenue.