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ce1300-spectrumcompact-faceing-right new-kit-box new-kit-box

An Affordable Benchtop Instrument for Sanger Sequencing and Fragment Analysis

  • 8-dye-compatible CE analysis
  • Single-base resolution
  • Integrated touch screen operation
  • Plug-and-Play prefilled consumables

Catalog Number:

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Catalog Number: CE1304

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Catalog Number: CE1307

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Catalog Number: CE1305

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Benchtop, Personal CE System

The Spectrum Compact CE System is an integrated and efficient instrument that brings you the independence to perform Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis in your laboratory, under your control, and at your convenience.

It is designed for use with existing sequencing chemistries using fluorescently labeled dideoxynucleotide triphosphates and 4-, 5- and 6-dye commercially available STR kits. It also supports the next generation of 8-color STR kits.

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Take Control of Your Experiments

Sequence samples on your own benchtop with single-base-pair resolution and 8-dye fragment analysis multiplex.


Bring Sequencing Capabilities to Your Entire Team

An easy-to-use interface and plug-and-play consumables make sequencing accessible to everyone in your lab.


Sequence Samples Without the Wait

No more waiting to batch samples or depending on a sequencing service.


Get the Support You Want

To get you started, we provide on-site installation and personalized training.

Optimized for a Broad Range of Sequencing and Fragment Analysis Applications

Some examples of the applications that can be run on the Spectrum Compact CE System include:
  • Human Identification
  • Human Cell Line Identification and Authentication
  • Cell and Gene Therapy Quality Control
  • Mixed Sample Analysis
  • Microsatellite Instability (MSI) Analysis
  • Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA)
  • Single-nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Genotyping
  • Targeted Sanger Sequencing
  • Resequencing for Mutation Detection
  • NGS Confirmation
  • Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing
  • BAC Sequencing
  • Methylation Sequencing
  • Viral Genotyping
  • Plasmid Sequencing
  • Clone Construction Verification
  • Microbial Species Identification
  • SARS-CoV-2 Identification
  • De novo Sequencing
Inserting a cartridge into the Spectrum Compact CE system.

Want to See Spectrum Compact for Yourself?

Explore Our Self-Guided 3D Virtual TourRequest a Virtual Demo

Plug-and-Play, Prefilled Consumables

Plug-and-play prefilled consumables with guided software user interface brings capillary electrophoresis capabilities to the hands of any researcher in the laboratory regardless of skill level or expertise.

Not only is the Spectrum Compact CE System simple to set up and operate, but the dedicated consumables are independently packaged, offering significant benefits:

  • Manage your own usage lifetimes without any waste. For example, don't limit the lifetime of your capillary array based on buffer or polymer expiration dates or usage levels.
  • Visually inspect each consumable (buffer levels and mechanical interactions) to easily troubleshoot issues without replacing an entire consumable set at once.
  • Decrease energy usage and avoid potential condensation—Spectrum Compact does not utilize on-board refrigeration or require the instrument to remain powered on for consumable preservation.
A. Capillary Cartridge
  • 4-Capillary, 36cm.
  • Located behind the oven door.
  • Easily installed by snapping into place and lies flat against oven to maintain migration stability.
  • Sufficient for 1200 samples (300 injections and no hard-stops).
B. Anode Buffer Cartridge
  • Contains the buffer for the anode electrode.
  • Sufficient for 320 samples (80 injections).
C. Sample Cartridge
  • Holds up to four 8-well strip tubes for a total of 32 samples.
D. Cathode Buffer Cartridge
  • Contains the buffer for the cathode electrodes.
  • Sufficient for 320 samples (80 injections).
E. Polymer Cartridge
  • Contains the respective denaturing polymer (Polymer4 or Polymer7) for Sanger sequencing or fragment analysis.
  • Sufficient for 96 samples (24 injections). Only hard-stop is insufficient polymer.

Consumables Information

Cat. Number Description Size
CE2300 Spectrum Compact Buffer 2 pairs
CE2301 Spectrum Compact Cathode Septa Mat 10 each
CE2302 Spectrum Compact Cathode Retainer 4 each
CE2304 Spectrum Compact Polymer4;
use with software v.6138000-XX*
4 × 64 wells
CE2404 Spectrum Compact Polymer4; 
use ONLY with software v.6138200-XX*
4 × 96 wells
CE2307 Spectrum Compact Polymer7; 
use with software v.6138000-XX*
4 × 64 wells
CE2407 Spectrum Compact Polymer7; 
use ONLY with software v.6138200-XX*
4 × 96 wells
CE2308 Strip Septa Mat, 8-Well 24 each
CE2332 Spectrum Compact Strip Base and Retainer, 32-Well 4 each
CE2340 Spectrum Compact Capillary Cartridge, 4-Capillary 36cm** 1 each
CE2399 Capillary Preservation Buffer 10ml

*Check your software version in "About", located in the footer on the "Main Menu" screen of the Spectrum Compact Control Software. For more information, review the Instrument Information section of the Spectrum Compact CE System Operating Manual #TMD058.

**When used with software v.6138000-XX, Cat.# CE2340, Spectrum Compact Capillary Cartridge, 4-Capillary 36cm, will display 200 injections; when used with software v.6138200-XX, 300 injections will be displayed. There is no hard-stop on capillary cartridge injections.

Small-Footprint Advanced Multiplexing

The Spectrum Compact CE System offers the high performance of a 8-dye-compatible sequencer in a benchtop instrument for fast and affordable results.

These new 8-dye systems enable amplification and detection of more loci from challenging samples, due to the narrower range of product amplicon sizes, resulting in more meaningful analyses.

STR fragment analysis results using PowerPlex Fusion System and Spectrum Compact CE System

Electropherogram of 1ng of 2800M Control DNA amplified with the PowerPlex® 35GY System and separated using the Spectrum Compact CE System.

Single-Base Resolution

Spectrum Compact CE System achieves a 1bp resolution

Spectrum Compact CE System achieves a 1bp resolution, as can be seen in the D12S391 locus in the PowerPlex® ESI 17 Fast System Allelic Ladder. Injection was performed at 1.6kV for 9 seconds.

More Bases in Less Time

Combine ProDye® Terminator Sequencing system with the Spectrum Compact for more bases in less time.


Raw view of entire electropherogram using ProDye® Terminator Sequencing System on the Spectrum Compact CE System.

Accurate and Fast Sequencing

Example sequence data from the Spectrum Compact CE system.

Representative portion of an electropherogram (Panel A) generated using the  ProDye® Terminator Sequencing System on a Spectrum Compact CE System. Injection was performed at 1.2kV for 4 seconds with Polymer7; Panel B shows raw data of standard sequencing run.

Integrated Touch Screen Operation

The Spectrum Compact Control Software provides a simple user interface with a clear display of useful features:

  • Easy-to-use operational workflow wizard
  • Run set up
  • Consumables usage
  • Maintenance reminders
  • Operations run directly on the instrument touch screen
  • Ability to monitor run progress and view analyzed results while a run is in progress
  • Pre-loaded assays ready for use
  • Export files in .fsa or .ab1 format
Spectrum Compact CE System touch screen operation

Remote Access

The Spectrum Compact Remote Access Software allows a user to connect to a Spectrum Compact CE System from a PC on the same network. You can:

  • Easily create/edit/review/delete strip IDs for sample strips.
  • Create/edit/review/delete protocols and assays.
  • View analysis results and monitor a run in progress, as well as completed runs.
  • Download completed runs using a web browser on a PC connected to the instrument, either directly or over a lab network.

To learn more about operating and maintaining the instrument, check out our tutorial videos.

Explore Tutorials

GeneMarker®HID Software for Spectrum CE Systems

GeneMarker®HID Software for Spectrum CE System (GMHID-Spectrum) supports data analysis with all commercially available human identity kits. A range of reporting options are available to meet LIMS and report printing needs, and analysis and display options can be easily configured to support your laboratory's workflow. Other benefits include:

  • Database searching and relationship testing modules
  • Review tools, such as automated contamination checking and project comparison
  • Time savings of at least 25%
  • Less analyst intervention
  • Supports Spectrum (.promega) and existing CE data (.fsa and .hid files)

The analysis of 8-color chemistry requires the use of GeneMarker®HID for Spectrum Systems.

Download GeneMarker®HID Software
GMHID Software Linked Navigation

Linked Navigation: Simply click on a peak or in the table to highlight data details.

GMHID Software Multi-Color View

Multi-Color View: View/comment/edit all dye channels for an allelic ladder or sample on one screen.

ProView® Sequencing Software

ProView® Sequencing Software is a customizable Sanger sequencing viewer capable of displaying .ab1 files generated on many currently available capillary electrophoresis (CE) sequencers. This software can be used to view and edit sequence information, display electropherograms, generate reports, display embedded information and save edited files in multiple formats.

ProView Sequencing Software Sample Output

Service and Support

We understand that your work can’t stop, and we’re dedicated to minimizing any interruptions to your lab operations. On-site installation and operational training are included with purchase of the instrument, and preventive maintenance, applications training, validation and on-site service are also available. Promega scientists are ready to help, and we expect to be there when you need us.


Phone-based and on-site consultation in addition to data analyses and summary reports are the kinds of options for support you can expect.


As you transition to include the Spectrum Compact CE System in your lab, we will be with you every step of the way. We offer on-site instrument, software and application training as well as timely on-site installation and service.


If you want regular servicing and maintenance, we can take care of you. In addition to standard maintenance contracts, we have additional packages to keep your Spectrum Compact CE System running.


Instrument Specifications

Number of capillaries 4
Capillary array length 36cm
Number of dye colors 8
Throughput Four 8-well strip tubes
Computer platform Integrated touch screen with built-in computer
Polymer Polymer4 and Polymer7
Data File Type .fsa for fragment analysis and .ab1 for Sanger sequencing
Dimensions 40cm W x 60cm D x 60cm H (15.75in W x 23.62in D x 23.62in H)
Weight 45kg (99lb)
Power Input 100–240VAC, 50/60Hz, 260VA

Run Module Specifications

Run Module Polymer Type Average Run Time (Minutes) Typical Contiguous Read Length (Base)
Fast Sequence Polymer7 ≤34 ≥600
Standard Sequence Polymer7 ≤68 ≥800
Run Module Polymer Type Average Run Time (Minutes) Size Range (Base Pairs)*
Fragment Analysis Polymer7 ≤35 60-600
Fragment Analysis Polymer4 ≤44 60-600

*Size precision 60-600bp <0.16nts

Catalog Number:

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

Not For Medical Diagnostic Use.

Storage Conditions


What's in the box?

Item Part # Size

Spectrum Compact Buffer

CE2300 1 × 2 pairs

Spectrum Compact Polymer4; use with software v.6138000-XX

CE2304 1 × 4 × 64 wells

Spectrum Compact Polymer4; use ONLY with software v.6138200-XX

CE2404 1 × 4 × 96 wells

Spectrum Compact Polymer7; use with software v.6138000-XX

CE2307 1 × 4 × 64 wells

Spectrum Compact Polymer7; use ONLY with software v.6138200-XX

CE2407 1 × 4 × 96 wells

Capillary Preservation Buffer

CE2399 1 × 10ml

Spectrum Compact Capillary Cartridge, 4-Capillary 36cm

CE2340 1 × 1 each

Spectrum Compact Cathode Septa Mat

CE2301 1 × 10 each

Spectrum Compact Cathode Retainer

CE2302 1 × 4 each

Spectrum Compact Strip Base & Retainer, 32-Well

CE2332 1 × 4 each

Strip Septa Mat, 8-Well

CE2308 1 × 24 each

Barcode Scanner

CE5300 1 × 1 each

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

Not For Medical Diagnostic Use.

What's in the box?

Item Part # Size Available Separately

Spectrum Compact Buffer

CE2300 1 × 2 pairs

Spectrum Compact Polymer4; use with software v.6138000-XX

CE2304 1 × 4 × 64 wells

Spectrum Compact Polymer4; use ONLY with software v.6138200-XX

CE2404 1 × 4 × 96 wells

Spectrum Compact Polymer7; use with software v.6138000-XX

CE2307 1 × 4 × 64 wells

Spectrum Compact Polymer7; use ONLY with software v.6138200-XX

CE2407 1 × 4 × 96 wells

Capillary Preservation Buffer

CE2399 1 × 10ml

Spectrum Compact Capillary Cartridge, 4-Capillary 36cm

CE2340 1 × 1 each

Spectrum Compact Cathode Septa Mat

CE2301 1 × 10 each

Spectrum Compact Cathode Retainer

CE2302 1 × 4 each

Spectrum Compact Strip Base & Retainer, 32-Well

CE2332 1 × 4 each

Strip Septa Mat, 8-Well

CE2308 1 × 24 each

Barcode Scanner

CE5300 1 × 1 each

Spectrum Compact CE System Standard Service Agreement

SA6131 1 × 1 each View Product

Certificate of Analysis

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Use Restrictions

Not For Medical Diagnostic Use.