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C.E. Credits: P.A.C.E.® CE | Florida CE

With the FDA’s proposed Laboratory Developed Test (LDT) rule facing legal challenges and potential shifts under the new administration, labs are left wondering what’s next and how to prepare. This webinar will provide the latest updates on the FDA LDT rule, including key developments in ongoing court cases and potential shifts under the new administration. Regardless of whether the rule is implemented, delayed, or overturned, maintaining a strong and strategic Quality Management System (QMS) is essential. We will discuss best practices to ensure your lab remains compliant, resilient, and prepared for any regulatory landscape. 

Michael W. Ryan, Partner, McDermott Will & Emery
Abigail Davis, Director, Quality Assurance, Promega

Wednesday, April 16, 2025 - 1pm CDT / 2pm EDT / 11am PDT

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Wednesday, April 16  

Real-Time Non-Destructive Monitoring of Human Cerebral Organoids via the NanoLuc®-HaloTag® Reporter System

Cerebral organoids—three-dimensional, stem-cell-derived neural structures—serve as powerful platforms for studying brain function, disease mechanisms, and therapeutic responses. This webinar highlights the NanoLuc®-HaloTag® Reporter System, a real-time, non-destructive imaging approach, that enables continuous monitoring of organoid formation and neural differentiation. Offering long-term stability, this dual-reporter system improves data consistency. Depth-color-coded imaging of neurons using two-photon microscopy with Janelia Fluor® HaloTag® ligands provides insights into live cerebral organoids. The NanoLuc® reporter enables tracking of neurosphere formation and neural stem cell differentiation. Together, the bioluminescence reporter assay and fluorescence imaging create a powerful system for capturing dynamic cellular processes with precision.

Stevens Rehen, PhD, Research Fellow, Promega

Tuesday, April 29, 2025 - 10am CDT / 11am EDT / 3pm London / 4pm Amsterdam-Paris
Wednesday, April 30, 2025 - 1pm Singapore / 3pm Sydney / 2pm Seoul / 10:30am New Delhi

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Tuesday, Apr 29  Wednesday, Apr 30

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